Spring Sports Season

Chris Grady

Spring sports teams are in disarray due to the record amount of snowfall this year. Getting outside for each team to practice on their respective fields is impossible at this time. All spring sports (lacrosse, baseball, softball, track and tennis) are stuck inside sharing gym time and having practices until 8:45 PM everyday. In an interview with senior baseball co captain Mike Savoie, Mike said, “It’s really tough practicing inside. You can’t get everything done and you really don’t get the same feel as you would while playing on the field outside.”

The spring sports season has also been pushed back an extra week before games have even started by the MIAA. Fields aren’t expected to be usable until around mid April which is about a month into the spring season. Some teams have been fortunate enough to get some practice and playing time through the use of indoor practice facilities and turf fields. However, some teams have been stuck inside the lower gym and are allowed only hour and a half practices. The biggest importance with being stuck indoors is to make the most out of each practice. Working with what they have and making the most of the situation is what is going to separate the teams once games start. Though all teams have been working hard and plan to make a showing this year in all opening games.

In an interview with Ipswich High School Baseball coach Chris Tolios, he gave his thoughts on the snow by saying, “It’s tough and you can’t do everything you’d normally do… but we make do.” Moving forward as the snow progressively melts, the big question is how are teams going to adjust to their respective playing fields after practicing indoors for a month. The limited amounts of space and the gym floor are among the biggest factors that are going to be different from playing and practicing outside. Feeling the grass is going to seem foreign after not even having seen it all winter. And the open air and free space is going to make for a very different feel while practicing outside. However, some teams have been working to ready their facilities as fast as possible. The lacrosse field has been sanded over which makes the snow melt faster. The pitchers mound and home plate have been been shoveled off at the baseball field. The tennis team has even been working to shovel off their courts themselves. However, there is only so much that shovels and man power can accomplish in terms preparing fields. It is ultimately up to mother nature to get the spring season moving and melt the remaining snow.