Social Distanced Graduation


Two graduations ago and prior, the ceremonies for graduating seniors at IHS looked very different compared to the class of 2020’s graduation ceremony. This year, it will be different too. When you think of a graduation, typically you think of caps, gowns, and diplomas. And although the class of 2021 seniors will have all of those, they are missing out on a common graduation that IHS has previously held. 


Before March social distancing was not a priority, neither were the masks we have been wearing the past eleven months. Nowadays, it is our new normal. So, with that being said the senior class of 2021 will have a socially distanced graduation that will be as fun and exciting as we can make it considering the circumstances. The graduating class of 2020 had an outdoor graduation. Meeting at the IHS school parking lot, the students did a drive by through the town of Ipswich with the citizens along the side of the roads and ended up at Crane’s beach: a landmark to our town. The students will also be able to decorate their cars in tiger pride. 


We received some feedback from former graduates on their opinion of their outdoor-beach graduation. As seniors, we were curious as to how their graduation was, along with if they were happy how it turned out. Cat Sanders responded, “Graduation was amazing and very unique. The teachers and Ipswich High staff did a fantastic job with making the seniors feel special and making sure that we had a graduation like no other. I am so glad that it turned out how it did and feel that because of the pandemic. They put in even more work so that we didn’t feel like we are missing out. A regular graduation wouldn’t have fit for such circumstances and I’m so happy that we had our graduation at our very own Beach especially since we had missed many of our senior Year events.” And Mike Connolly said, ““Honestly I thought my graduation was a lot better and more memorable than any other graduation. I liked it alot better and I’m honestly happier with the way mine was.” Hopefully COVID-19 cases are low enough for us to be able to experience what they did, considering both interviewees enjoyed the ceremony. 


Luckily, we were also able to interview seniors on the student council as well as Mr. Mitchell to get some more information about what this year’s senior graduation was going to look like and here’s what we got: “As of now we’re hoping to do something similar to last year. We’re not sure of the venue right now, it could be a range of places from the beach parking lot, the field at the high school, or even the crane estate,” senior Rex Geller said. Additionally, senior Lydia Comprosky adds, “I don’t think it looks like we will be having a typical graduation. I have a feeling we may be having one similar from last year! Although with the hope of the vaccine we could possibly have one if we are all vaccinated but it truly depends on how many are distributed and even if we could get them at that time.”


Furthermore, we were given the chance to ask Mr. Mitchell, Ipswich High School’s Principal about our graduation and he states ‘It’s looking like another non-traditional graduation again this year. It will definitely be outdoors. In the future, I don’t foresee another indoor graduation unless the weather prohibits an outdoor ceremony.” Like what Mr. Mitchell said, an indoor ceremony is unlikely in the future. However, the plus side to that is IHS wil have yet another special tradition added onto their list. 


Speaking for the seniors, we believe something is better than nothing. Even if it is not our typical graduation ceremony, we are grateful for the opportunity to even have a ceremony that involves the whole class. This will finally be something that the whole senior class will be able to participate in.