During the quiet night of December 17, Governor of Massachusetts, Maura Healey was questioned about the recent Drone sightings. All of this madness started early on in New Jersey, where many residents claimed to see various unknown aircrafts flying around in the sky. Many expressed their concerns over these mysterious drones. Others were unfazed. As more and more sightings emerged, the drone sightings expanded to other states, including Massachusetts. Maura Healey explained how “We’ve not seen the volume that New York and New Jersey had seen.” Yet, as more videos spread across the internet, more questions emerged regarding the authenticity, or whether this could be a plane.
The night after Christmas, my friend and I were driving through Wenham and Beverly. As we passed by Tendercrop Farm, a large, strange object caught our eye. In the sky was a large aircraft, hovering over the field. As we passed by and came towards Wenham Lake, another strange object appeared and flew over the lake. I took a video and caught this unusual aircraft on camera. Later, we drove by Nick’s Roast Beef and saw another one, only this time it was too hard to take a photo. However, by eye, I could see a large drone hovering at about the height of a three-story house. We pulled over in a nearby parking lot. As I left the car I glanced up and saw many lights in the night sky. They were mostly planes, but others seemed off in some way compared to the others.
Now one might ask where these drones came from. Could they somehow be connected to other sightings across the northeast US? While interviewing a local family in Rowley Massachusetts, the family explained how they often see the drones outside their house, making strange noises a lot. The father expressed his strong feelings about the mysterious aircraft. “I will hunt them if needed, they could be foreign, maybe from China” the father explained with a mix of jokes and seriousness. Another resident in Peabody Massachusetts, my Aunt, expressed her opinion and shared other encounters also. Many others in my family showed their skeptical views on the legitimacy of many videos. “They could just be small planes,” My father and mother said as we drove home through Boston one night. But what stirred opinion was one Monday night in Ipswich as many noticed these drones in the sky. One Massachusetts family interviewed by Boston 25 News explained how “First I was driving and I thought it was a plane, but it wasn’t moving,” the woman said in a message to Boston 25. “Then later, I saw it again from my bedroom window and filmed it.” Another family expressed concerns over the drones, “Are we safe? I mean, what’s going on?”…. “I have little kids, so it makes us nervous.”
Yet most mysteries must have an end, as on the 28th of January the White House spoke out on drones across the U.S. They explained how most of these drones were authorized by the FAA, the Federal Aircraft Administration. The Press Secretary explained how these drones were known by the Government and were used for various research purposes. In other words, they were not a threat. But with the end of this question, another rises. Will we still see these drones in our night sky in the future? And what research was being done with them?