Three years ago, our school removed vending machines from the cafeteria, a move that has sparked debate among students. Located on the right side of the cafeteria entrance, these machines were a popular source of quick snacks for students between classes and after school.
Senior Jake Petradelis recalls, “They were a lifesaver during R-block study sessions.” Junior Jacoby Scarano, who never experienced the vending machine firsthand, believed “they would be a big help for students with after-school activities”. He can think of many times before a practice or game when he wished for a quick energy boost to get him through. Jacoby points out “Many student-athletes have to stay late for practice” and driving home before practice isn’t always an option.
To add on, Samir Harb, captain of the Robotics Club, echoes this statement. “I stay after school for hours during the winter months and sometimes this is followed by a jazz rehearsal,” he explains. “I get so hungry and having a vending machine at the school would be way more convenient.”
Now that we have explored students’ opinions on the issue, here are some scientific benefits that vending machines could provide to the student population.
Beyond student convenience, research suggests that snacking can benefit academic performance. A study done by the Nutrition Hospital found that consistent blood sugar levels, maintained through regular snacking, can improve focus and concentration during studies.
Not every student has the chance to eat breakfast in the morning due to their busy schedule and financial situations. A study published by the National Library of Medicine examined how students’ diets impacted their school performance and guess what? Surprise, surprise, breakfast consumption positively correlated with higher academic achievement, higher concentration, and more learning opportunities.
The school board chair, Charlie Quimby, justified the removal of the vending machines by citing a school policy focused on “healthy eating.” He noted that the machines primarily stocked processed foods high in sugar and fat. This contributes to poor dietary choices and potentially increases obesity, particularly among children. The school board has also discussed the possibility of canceling bake sales for similar reasons, although no decision has been made.
A potential solution could be the introduction of an organic vending machine. Snacks would include power bars, jerky, assorted nuts, trail mix, dried fruits, and more, all of which would coincide with the school’s health policies. When asked if he would be okay with a healthy vending machine instead of the one the school used to have, Samir says “Anything will do; it’s better than having nothing.” Samir also noted the potential financial benefits for school clubs. He explained that many students don’t carry cash, making fundraising difficult and that a vending machine could encourage students to bring their wallets to school. After bringing the idea up with Charlie, he too welcomed the proposal.
It’s clear that the students of Ipswich are eager for their snacks and are open to the idea of a potential compromise. I’m curious to see what happens next. Will progress be made on this issue or will it be brushed aside once the seniors graduate?