Senior Privileges?
December 7, 2016
The new 2016 schedule changes at Ipswich High School has caused the senior class to be robbed of their senior privileges. From freshmen year to the end of their junior year the class of 2017 built up excitement leading up to their senior year. Throughout their high school careers, students have witnessed the upper classmen enjoy their privileges. From having an only seniors Directed Study in the cafeteria to not have to take finals if you have an “A” in the class, senior year is supposed to be “the best year of your life.”
This years seniors, have a very different opinion of the way senior year is going for them. Carly Restuccia, an active member of this year’s senior class, has a strong opinion when it comes to this year’s senior privileges, “ I find it hard to believe everything we have been looking forward to just vanished the second we stepped through the door this September. It isn’t fair what has been done, why our senior year?” Students benefited from the 45 minute directed study that took place four times a week in the school cafeteria. Directed study was also a convenient time where students could meet with teachers, guidance counselors, and collaborate with their peers. Also, with stressful college applications and after school homework this 45 minute block was crucial. Now with the absence of direct study 4 times a week students don’t have less of an opportunity to get the help they need. Doing school work after school hours is not an option for many student athletes and for the many students with jobs. With the new schedule they have yet to explain what the new directed study times will eventually be used for. They are now called Humanities, S.T.E.M, and Advisory. Directed Study in the cafeteria for seniors could have benefited the class because they could talk about the many senior events that occur, such as Spirit Week, Homecoming, Cotillion, Senior Week, and Prom. Whether it would be picking the spirit week wall theme or raising money for their class, senior year is important.
Many other high schools, not in our region, have different and enjoyable senior privileges, such as seniors getting to leave school during lunch or getting to leave early on days they don’t have a class last period. We have contacted Masconomet Regional High School, Triton Regional High School, Georgetown High School, and Hamilton Wenham Regional High School in order to gain more information on what other schools provided for senior privileges. Two of the four schools replied with the same answer with “We don’t have Senior Privileges” and “We do not have a senior privilege program at Georgetown High School.” Learning that most schools around us do not have privileges throughout the years when IHS had them the class of 2017 feels like they are entitled to those privileges even when they are not commonly seen at surrounding high schools.
IHS seniors have suggested several privileges such as leaving school early when students don’t have a class last period on Mondays during R-Block and Thursday’s when some students have 2nd lunch last period. Leaving early would benefit the students that have sports after school and students that have a lot of homework. Leaving school early would give student athletes time to go home and get changed and even start their homework before practice or a game. Students with a lot of homework and projects could benefit a lot from this privilege.
Overall, with senior year being as stressful as it is, these students would enjoy to have privileges to look forward to. The senior class of 2017 hopes to regain some privileges that will help make their senior year one to remember.