Rising Tensions in Asia, Instill Fear in the U.S.

Ashton Manolian, Transcript Owner

Once again, Americans find themselves in a time where the threat of nuclear warfare seems imminent. The recent actions of the North Korean military have proven to be a threat to the security of the United States. And, responses by President Trump and the U.S. Military are amplifying the situation.

On Sunday, April 15, during a Military parade held in the nation’s capital of Pyongyang, the North Korean Military displayed an array of long-range, and intercontinental missiles that some experts believe have potential to reach the East Coast of the United States. The military parade was coincidentally held on the 105th anniversary of North Korea’s founder, Kim II Sung’s birthday.

Despite the flashy display of missile weaponry, there was no successful launch of the missiles. United States had deployed its US Navy Strike Group USS Carl Vinson, equipped with enough firepower to destroy the very missile that North Korea test launched just hours earlier. The launch was a failure, but it calls into question just how and when North Korea will be capable of launching a successful strike against the U.S. and what the U.S. and rest of the free world should do to prevent it.

The United States has the ability to shoot down any missile that is launched from a fixed location, as these types of deployments are easily detectable on radar. But with the tunnel and cave system found in North Korea, it is hard to determine when exactly they are going to strike, making the interception of the missile nearly impossible.

As the threat of a ballistic missile strike on the Unite States becomes more realistic, the American people are beginning to take notice. When asked whether threats from North Korea challenged the safety of the United States the responses were mixed.

Bill Dryzga, former U.S. Air Force stated that, “The threats are a challenge to my safety, and I am not happy about the current situation.”

In contrast, Heather Manolian, resident of Ipswich responded, “I do not really feel that the North Korean missiles are capable of reaching the mainland of the U.S.A.. Therefore I do not feel there is an imminent threat from these missile to my safety.”

Typically in a time of crisis, citizens turn to their leadership for reassurance and strength, and President Trump has been chastising any foreign embassy posing a threat to his precious domain. While President Trump’s main method of expression is social media, I wanted to ask interviewees how they feel about his seemingly childish and taunting form of combat.

Bill Dryzga reported that he “believes Trump’s actions are overdone – but offer a breath of fresh air to have him express what we are all really thinking.”

Unlike Bill, Heather Manolian shared that she “absolutely abhor[s] the way that our current President uses social media. I feel that the words and tones that he uses are completely inappropriate and are in direct contrast to his strong, powerful leadership.” Ms. Manolian further adds that she wishes “one of his advisers would delete his accounts!!!”

As the threat of a missile touching down within the mainland of the United States becomes more realistic, so do the consequences. As a nation, in a time like this, we must prepare for the worst, while hoping for the best. Clearly, while the American people may disagree on the methods used, all want to ensure we are protected from harm and are looking to this current administration and military to make sure nothing touches U.S. soil.