Hope for 2021


Photo of the morning sunrise at Pavillion Beach in Ipswich, Massachusetts

Sam Orroth, Journalist

As 2021 starts, we are hopeful for what the year will bring due to the fact that last year was not the best way to start the new decade. 2021 will hopefully bring happiness and change, but it also will be better because of all the lessons learned from 2020. On its own 2021 brings its unique positive moments to look forward to. But the pain and lessons from 2020 will make 2021 that much brighter. 

When reflecting on 2020, Mrs. Barclay, an IHS teacher, learned that “there are different ways of doing things – of going to work, spending time with family and friends, working out, or going to worship services.” Although 2020 had its difficulties, society has learned how to adapt to the changes, and we have discovered new ways of going about things that we wouldn’t have learned otherwise. Although Zoom has its ups and downs, it has created a better school balance for some students. Instead of having to go into school 5 days a week, the hybrid allows for students to only have to go in 2 days a week. It also allows students to have a break type day on Wednesdays by proving asynchronous learning. Not everyone loves the new model, but it has relieved some of the stress school causes by allowing students to do class from bed. Moving forward, schools around the world may implement zoom into their everyday usage for students who cannot come in everyday or for students to still attend classes when feeling under the weather.

2021 has many moments to look forward to. Hopefully, society will be returning to normal sooner than later due to the vaccine. According to The Boston Globe, in April the general public will start to receive the vaccine; meaning shortly after, masks may slowly be phased out. So there’s still a possibility that by the end of the year the public can resume their normal activities. People won’t be confined by wearing masks or mandatory quarantines. Lydia Comprosky, an IHS student, is looking forward to “shopping more and going to restaurants. As well as being able to hang out with my friends more.” Teenagers have had some of their most social years cut short, but post-pandemic, people will be bursting with joy to see their friends in public. 

As the vaccine is administered around the world, people will be able to travel more. Also, some places are in dire need of tourists. Some tropical locations have been lacking the number of tourists they need to keep their businesses afloat since most of their income comes from tourists. So, there are some great deals for traveling around the world, and some are already taking advantage of these amazing deals. Mrs. Barclay has already thought of her first trip post-pandemic. Her first trip “will be to see friends in Ireland! Then to various states here to actually see and hug family and friends!”

Although 2020 made quite an impact on the vast majority of society, 2021 brings hope for a brighter year. The lows from 2020 will make the highs in 2021 that much more enjoyable. Society won’t take traveling or seeing friends or family for granted ever again. 2021 will bring a happier society where everyone is grateful, especially for the little things.