Senior Year Traditions – How to make it memorable?
December 8, 2021
Senior year is a time when you mostly think about college, and what you will be doing after high school. However, a year goes by quickly, and I urge you to focus on the here and now, as well as the future. Because of covid, many schools had a really hard time knowing how to help students, especially seniors, make their senior year memorable. Ipswich does a nice job celebrating its senior class, but I think we can do better.
All our usual traditions couldn’t be performed in the past years due to the pandemic. With that, there were a lot of things that were done in order to celebrate the seniors. A car parade was a fun new tradition that brought everyone together during lockdown orders, and at the same time, allowed us to socially distancing from each other. Spirit week, even though it wasn’t the same, still tried to increase school enthusiasm even though there were some restrictions. It was still really nice. Prom, Homecoming, and school dances were also things that were done, that even with masks, were a nice experience.

One of the things that impressed me the most and made me really excited for graduation was the new location of the beach. Coming from the city of Boston, I could’ve never imagined graduating at a beach because most of them are not easily accessible.
Despite all of the wonderful things that Ipswich does for its seniors, there are many other traditions, however that can make senior year even more fun and memorable. I say, let’s do more to celebrate our last year at IHS!
There are a lot of suggestions that I researched as a way to make additional memories at IHS. The top six traditions that I think should be included are: Senior tag or most known as Nerf wars, decorating parking spaces, senior sunset/ sunrise, senior breakfast, adopt a senior and field day. To learn more about them in details, and other ideas click here.
Alexis Putur, a senior at IHS, stated when asked what would be her dream senior year, ” One where there is a lot of fun, a lot of activities, and time being spent with the whole grade, because we are not gonna see each other again. One that I remember, not just a year of boring school stuff, but having little events that the other grades don’t participate in.” She gave an idea of having a second spirit week for senior without the events, just like a dress up day where you get to express yourself and celebrate the seniors. Also a celebration for after college deadlines, since a lot of people are really stressed out during that time.

All of those suggestions were introduced to Mr.Mitchell, the IHS principal, in a way of bringing new ideas to the school and to Seniors. When introduced, he seemed really interested in knowing more about those ideas. An advice from him to make senior year memorable and fun was, “It goes by so fast, so anything you guys could do to kind of pause, and just take it all in. Just stop and take some deep breaths, look around and focus on what you are hearing, seeing, smelling. Literally STOP and smell the roses, because senior year goes by so fast, and we are already a quarter away through the year… it’s only gonna get faster.” he also said to, “take those moments to stop and appreciate it, because it’s not gonna happen again. For better or for worse, just take a pause and think about what’s going on in that moment.”
At the end of the day it has been a great experience, the efforts that the teachers and students have been putting to help seniors have their best last school year is amazing and appreciated. Ms. Panciera, an English teacher, and the senior class advisor at IHS, pointed out that in order for seniors and students in general to have a great time at high school they need to, “get more involved”.

So live every moment of your life in general, cherish every moment, even the hardest ones. Those are the moments that push you to be a better person. Make amazing memories with your friends, family, teachers, and people that come in your life. Time is ticking and you are the only one that can make every second matter.

Isadorra De Souza • Mar 28, 2022 at 9:18 pm
I love this article! It’s really inspiring, and motivational.