Narcan in Schools

Narcan is a medical breakthrough that can easily and temporarily reverse the effects of an Opioid overdose which can potentially save the lives of many. However, the question to be answered is, do we really need to implant this drug in schools? The answer is a resounding yes.

Narcan is a nasal spray easily administered to those suffering from an overdose. It takes approximately 15-20 seconds to assemble and lasts around 60-90 minutes. This drug does not however clear a person from the potential of overdosing. It acts more as a stabilizer; therefore 9-1-1 should still be called immediately.

As Opioid addiction becomes an ever more relevant problem within the community of Ipswich, with many trafficking offenses being convicted within the last year. It seems only appropriate that we put in place Narcan in our school to prevent a potential disaster.  An example of what should not happen occurred at Carrboro High School.  A student in the lunchroom was on the floor not breathing; the student had overdosed on opioids, a drug that comes in the form of heroin or prescription pain relievers, such as Oxycontin, Percocet, and Vicodin. The school did not carry narcan and had called 9-1-1. The student survived and that was over three years ago. The school now carries narcan after another overdose occurred.

This is the type of situation we would hope to prevent at Ipswich High School. We asked the assistant principal if Ipswich should carry the drug and he responded with,  “ Yes I, think we should because it’s a public building and it could happen to anyone that walks in here.” Other schools are taking this idea into consideration. When we asked Mr. C about this he said, “All schools should carry it but I’m mostly concerned for our school; we know there’s a problem in our community so in the school I’m scared.” In conclusion, I believe Narcan should be in schools because it has been proven to save lives of the younger generation and they deserve a second chance if they find themselves in a bad situation.img_4511