Why do you Procrastinate?

imageFinishing my final year at Ipswich High School, I can attest to the importance of time management.  However, I would be lying if I claimed to have tackled procrastination. In fact, if I was being completely honest, this is the first time I have touched my transcript article and it’s due tomorrow.  Procrastination has nothing to do with inability to manage time. In fact, psychology proves that procrastinators have the same concept of time than others. When finding research, I stumbled upon many different viewpoints of procrastination, all backed with different evidence. However, they all included the same underlying concepts on solutions. Instead of drowning you with solutions, I will enlighten you with facts of the “I’ll do it tomorrow” disease.

Regardless of our generations endless distractions, procrastination has not heightened as time progresses. Procrastination stems all the way back to B.C. The Greek poet Hesiod, writing around 800 B.C., cautioned not to “put your work off till tomorrow and the day after.” If only they listened, maybe this wouldn’t be an issue still today. Or at least, I would have a less ironic transcript article. The immediate reaction to the question “Why do you procrastinate” is “to avoid doing something I don’t like” or in the words of Senior Alyssa Romano: “I procrastinate by telling myself I’m too tired in the moment, and I’ll have time later. It’s an endless cycle.” However, psychology proves that creating excuses only causes more distress than the original task.

Solving procrastination is not just an attempt to make yourself more efficient. Surprisingly, procrastination is an emotional issue more so than a time management issue. It has proven to tie into the fear of losing and the fear of making a mistake. Procrastinators prefer people to believe they are not making an effort, instead of showing less of an ability to do something.

Have no fear, to insure that no one is fearing what’s happening in our subconscious, here’s a quote from a physiologist himself: Dr. Ferrari. “Everyone procrastinates, but not everyone is a procrastinator.” We all put tasks off, but my research has found that 20 percent of U.S. men and women are chronic procrastinators.”  So even though you may be putting off your calculus project or in my case transcript article, you might not be a chronic procrastinator.  For procrastinators, the issue lies in their conscious decision not to act.

Understanding the subconscious reasons of procrastination is the best way to halt bad habits. As High School students it is important we build good work ethics now, otherwise college will be a rude awakening.  After reading this article I urge you to do your “to-do list” today; stop waiting for tomorrow.