A New Band Teacher, A New Chapter

Molly Barry

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    Mr. Seapy, the orchestra teacher for Ipswich High School, has found his place in the IHS Band. Since a young age, Mr. Seapy always found his passion in the music and arts department. Since a young child, the introduction of music came from the piano, and was excelled in upcoming grades. Mr. Seapy describes his musical journey by saying, “I started as a  toddler on the piano, then the clarinet in the fourth grade, saxophone in the seventh grade, and in college I played all the instruments as it was a requirement for my degree.” The band is always where Mr. Seapy has found himself  “ at home” since he has had more experience with bands, and has found that orchestra was “ just different” for him.

     Now leading the IHS Band, Mr. Seapy has found himself filling Mr. Dolan’s shoes, who taught the band for many years. Mr. Seapy describes filling such big shoes as, “whenever you follow someone who’s doing an outstanding job, there are high expectations in one position.” With such big change, upperclassmen fretted about what band would be like following Mr. Dolan’s retirement but, Mr. Seapy’s expectations are nonetheless what Mr. Dolan would of wanted. Mr Seapy quotes, “my hope is little changes as far as how students approach band. My passion is music not so much rules.”  Following this, there will still be expectations in band. Such as the WEEPS, which are weekly evaluations for each individual. Mr. Seapy describes that WEEPS will “ set students up for success, and they are not out to get anybody.” In band, continuing WEEPS will just hold everyone accountable for knowing the music.

     With such a big band to conduct, obstacles come with it. Things such as different schedules for kids who are in all three music classes ( orchestra, band, choir) makes it difficult for a proper full band rehearsal. Seapy states, “for me, seeing the full group only once a week is the biggest obstacle.” With there being over 100 students in band, sequencing these rehearsals is a whole new obstacle in itself.

     Music, whether a way of life to others, or just a school activity for some, all brings the IHS kids together. Mr. Seapy believes music enriches life and makes life more enjoyable.”  This is a proven fact: music does improve your quality of life. His main goal is to share music with everyone, not as a chore but to pursue art, increase creativity, and help you grow as an individual.

    When speaking with Shanelle Taylor, I asked if she liked Mr. Seapy. Shanelle said, “yes, he helps us improve and pushes all of us a lot.” Also, the most important question of all was what should the band kids expect? In which Shanelle stated, “He pushes us all really hard, but we are all grateful in the end”.

    The questions of “ how will band ever be the same” are put aside, because even though Mr. Seapy has big shoes to fill, he has filled them exceptionally well, with a new outlook on music, and a new spunk to rehearsals.

As our interview came to a close, I asked Mr. Seapy to leave me with one quote, and that quote was, “ I hope every individual grows as a musician, and that we also coalesce as an ensemble.” So, here’s to new beginnings, a new band teacher who has opened our eyes to music, and the start of a great band with a new conductor.