A Look Into The Custodial Staff

Patrick Meaney

Custodians are an integral and important component to the Ipswich education system. To learn more about this job, longtime Ipswich custodian Ed Ogden was interviewed. He works at Paul F. Doyon and Winthrop Elementary schools as well as the Ipswich Middle and High Schools. He was more than happy to be interviewed about his experience as custodian.

Although custodial staff play a big part in creating and maintaining the daily surroundings of Ipswich students and faculty; little is known about their duties. According to Ed Ogden, “The primary job of the custodian is to clean up the school and make a safe work environment for the kids.” The custodian does the important job of keeping the school clean, which is very important as there are many kids there. He also fixes or repairs various things for the teacher’s such as pencil sharpeners, coat hooks, lockers, etc. The average work time is forty hours a week.  


Along with cleaning, they are also responsible for removing the trash from the school. In recent times, according to Mr. Ogden, the amount of trash has been decreased significantly. When asked about trash load, Mr. Ogden stated, “We have been recycling and composting so much, that the amount of trash over the years has gone down a bunch. In Doyon we only have about 35 pounds of trash per week.” This has made it much easier for the custodians to do their job, since there is less trash to clean up. This is also better for the environment. 

When asked if he felt that the custodians were not appreciated, his answer was surprising. “At Doyon, my work does not go unappreciated. The kids often send me letters and thank me for my work.” At Doyon, he has a great time with the children, who are happy to have him around. He also enjoys his daily interaction with the Doyon faculty. At the high school, however, he had a different experience due to the fact that he worked a night shift. “Of all the schools where I have worked, Doyon is my favorite. The kids are very nice, said Mr. Ogden.

Without custodians, the school would be unable to function as efficiently. Every day, their work helps to ensure that the teachers and students have a better environment in which to teach and learn. So next time you see your custodian, thank them, or at least give them a warm smile and nod of appreciation.